Saturday, 29 June 2013

# 74 (2013) Why We Are Who We Are

I never thought much of Russell Brand. He just seemed like another celebrity douche-bag trying to work out what he was contributing to society and failing.

And then I saw his documentary about drug addiction 'From Addiction to Recovery'. And I started to understand him a bit more and respect him for how far he had come and how he had used his experiences to put something back and form his take on the world. The documentary showed him in a different light, as a human being who may have come back from the brink of death and had all the war wounds to prove it.

And I respect that. I have more admiration for someone who has faced some sort of adversity than those who have lived in a bubble all their lives and base their knowledge on what the media tells them or how their family lives their perfect lives.

People who flippantly criticise or look down on others because they can, because they have no time to care about why something is the way it is, really aren't doing themselves any favours in the great scheme of social things.

Hats off to Russell Brand though. He survived something, and that's got to count.

Brand: How it used to be (source)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

# 73 (2013) Everyone Just Wants to Be Liked And Accepted

How much time do you spend worrying about what other people think? And do you think it's worth it? Perhaps it's a good thing that we care what others think. It means we're setting a standard, aiming for something, bending to other peoples desires.

So what happens when you stop caring? Your standards slip? You lose friends? You just stop trying as hard? Or may be it's just too difficult trying to please everyone all of the time and you're fed up with always coming last.

Maybe at the end of the day the only person who really matters is you. And if others see your way of thinking and care enough (by return) they'll just go with it. Maybe those are the true friends and not the ones who want you to comply with their rules. 


Monday, 24 June 2013

# 72 (2013) Where Work Ends and Life Begins

Many of us struggle with the work life balance. And there are those of us who struggle with the work - career - home balance.

After a year of running my own business full time I am conceding temporary defeat and looking for more reliable work. But I still have to honour my business committments and I'd hate to sacrifice it all solely for the 9 - 5 which is a mistake I have made in the past and ALWAYS regretted.

But if I'm doing the 9 - 5, where does that leave my business dream? And where does that leave everyone else in my life? How do you get a three-fold balance to work? Can it work? And when do you call it quits and simply be thankful for any paid employment you can get even if you may well end up turning around in 15 years and wondering what the hell you were doing with your life.

I don't have the answer. I'm sure some people do. This will be the second time I have visited this way of working. And the last time my life existed for the 9-5 and the career dream and little else. Now I am a bit older and have other interests to enjoy and people in my life who I don't want to exclude I don't want to be a slave to the grind all day every day.

It's not an easy balance.

Monday, 3 June 2013

# 71 (2013) Foodie

I have started to notice how my relationship with food has changed this last month or so. I have always loved food. The emotional kick you get or the social connotations of a meal out or just trying something new is fun.

But the dynamics of my life have changed a lot and in many ways. I share the kitchen with two other people so my space is limited. These days my budget needs to remain the same for practical as well as financial reasons.

I have a new policy that I must clear cupboards and fridge freezer space before buying more food. The aim is to see how long I can go between shopping expeditions. Mostly this means that my need for food has become perfunctory. I eat because I am hungry.

Now that I am sharing my space I am seeing the vast differences between how I eat and how my housemates eat. I consume a lot less and in poorer quality. Primarily my purchases revolve around longevity, price and how 'mixupable' it is ie can it go into various meals?

So for instance something like frozen sausages are going to last a long time in the freezer and I can defrost only the number I need per meal. I can get them as part of a 3 for £10 deal and they can go into several meal types such as sausage and chips, chopped up in rice or pasta dishes or cut up in wraps. By buying with these things in mind my one freezer drawer/shelf/cupboard limit can last a month.

But of course this means that short lived and therefore healthier options are generally off limits and I am wondering how this will affect my health and general wellbeing long term. I buy no fruit, fresh vegetables or fresh meat products. Milk I buy in bulk, and put in the freezer. Most other dairy products are now off limits.

I have noticed that despite this unhealthy and repetitive diet I have never lost any weight. Because of my job, and because I'm a bit lazy, exercise is not a regular thing. I don't think I am eating that much quantity wise which suggests I have an unhealthy diet. A quick tot up of today and I've probably racked up around 1000 calories in only two actual meals, too many if I want to drop a dress size but too little in quantity to keep me going. But if I get rid of the unhealthy stuff which helps to make the rest of my food last longer, what do I replace it with?