Thursday, 12 April 2012

# 82 The Un-get-able Get

Well, I'm still waiting for the bubble to burst. And it hasn't. So I'm beginning to think this is what they call 'the turning point'.

Do you think there comes a time in your life when you find the 'thing' you've been looking for - the missing element that gels everything else in your life together and makes everything okay? Maybe this is it? Maybe I have reached that epic turning point of myth and mythology.

In truth, I'm still too afraid to accept that maybe, just maybe, I have finally earned this. Just in case I jinx it and something goes wrong. So I'm still looking over my shoulder I guess. Who wants to tempt fate, to let their guard down.

I am genuinely not used to things being this good. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying this change of stance. I love it and I want to accept it and stop questioning why. But I am genuinely scared that if I do, it's going to get snatched away.

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