Friday, 10 August 2012

# 105 Relocation

I like knowing there is nothing tying me to where I live, that the only thing holding me here is the tenancy on my house. The knowledge that I can, if I want, pick up everything and start again in a brand new place is rather exciting. It's also a new one on me since I have always been tied to a 9-5 and committed to someone else. But as my new business venture has no material base except the place where I live and my family are already more than three hours away, all I have holding me here is my tenancy agreement until June 2013.

I've never been much good at staying anywhere for long. Fate (or whatever you want to call it) has always dictated my next move and things have always had a habit of coming along at the right moment. It's always been the way and I've just gone with it having no preference one way or the other. Whether this is a good thing or not I don't know.

The longest I've lived anywhere since I left school is 8 years. I've moved eleven times including two moves back to the nest when things got a bit dicey financially. I'm now in my fifth year in Lincoln and I can feel the clock ticking.

Where will I go next? Who knows. I've never been attracted to any of the places I've lived. They've just happened. So having the choice feels odd. Perhaps something will come along to make the decision for me but I'm hoping that just for once I will make a conscious decision on my own. I'm not particular to any kind of living although I haven't lived on my own for some time. I've been in big cities and small villages, houses and flats, places where I've made a lot of friends and others where I've hardly met anyone at all. I've also lived in some pretty dodgy places. I guess I don't know what I'm looking for but I don't have to worry about it just yet.

My plan right now is to declutter. I've always been a hoarder but I'm over that now and keen to clear everything and make some bucks along the way. One thing's for sure, I have no intention of moving it with me yet again.

The reality of living in a part furnished house as I do now, is that I don't own very much of anything that's useful. I have junk.....mostly.  I've always admired people who could live out of a suitcase. I could never live like that in my line of work but I really admire it.

I guess I have time to work out my next move. June next year is a long time away and I could be in pretty much any situation business wise by then. If nothing else, at least it gives me plenty of time to clear out the clutter!

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