Monday, 31 December 2012

# 138 Farewell 2012

So here we are. The last post of the year. The last day of 2012.

My blog a day didn't quite match up to expectations but I have enjoyed it. I've averaged about 14 hits a day and exceeded my 5000 total hit rate so I must be doing something right. I'm going to carry on in 2013 because 'why not'.

Again, it's unlikely to be a 'blog a day' but I know from the comments I've had and the way I have used it that it has served a purpose.

I was considering migrating everything over to Wordpress. I've already moved my business page over there. But I like this format for a more personal approach. So I'm just going to leave it where it is. I hope that those of you who were reading this year, carry on. And that I gain some new readers as well.

So happy new year everyone. See you in 2013!  

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